Provinzialkonzil der Kirchenprovinz Armagh; 1411 (12. Oktober)
Summoned by archbishop Nicholas Fleming to meet at Drogheda on 12 October. Fleming issued five canons at the council, dealing mainly with the payment of tithes, and the council also reiterated and renewed more than twenty canons promulgated by previous archbishops. The first canon ordered every diocesan bishop to acquire copies of the canons by 24 June 1412, and to oblige parish priests to read them out four times a year, so that nobody could claim to be ignorant of them. The second one excommunicated anyone who tried to interfere with the collection of tithes and other dues owed to the church. The third canon extends the sentence of excommunication to all those who might buy or sell tithe income diverted from the use of the church and used for their own profit. The fourth canon adds to the list of excommunicates those who might grant concessions or franchises to tithe collectors without the consent of the church authorities. Finally, the fifth canon excommunicates those who might seize, occupy or abuse church property destined for the maintenance of the clergy and the relief of the poor. After that follow similar canons taken from earlier sources, as indicated above. The nature and extent of these canons shows how serious the problem of theft against the church must have been, but whether they were effective in remedying the problem is unknown.
QQ/Lit.: Reg. Fleming of Armagh, fol. 40r-v; Reg. Swayne of Armagh III, fol. 1r-6v; Bray, Records of Convocation, Vol. 16 (Ireland 1101-1690), Woodbridge 2006, 205-216.
Gerald L. Bray
Juni 2024
Empfohlene Zitierweise:
Bray, Gerald Lewis, “Mell(ifontis)-Droghedanum / Mellifont-Drogheda: [Irish] Provincial Council; 1157" in: Lexikon der Konzilien [Online-Version], Juni 2024; URL: