Provinzialkonzil der Kirchenprovinz Armagh; 1427 (13. Oktober)
Summoned by archbishop Swayne (1418-1439) to meet at Drogheda on 13 October. We possess the names both of those who were summoned and of those who attended but there is no record of any business transacted. It appears that the council’s main concern was to regulate the activities of unbeneficed clergy, who were seeking promotion from the archbishop. The council ordered those who were absent without excuse to be declared contumacious, and the archbishop announced that he would undertake a visitation of his province beginning on 4 November. Whether he actually did so or not is unknown.
QQ/Lit.: Reg. Swayne of Armagh I, fol. 16r-18v; Bray, Records of Convocation, Vol. 16 (Ireland 1101-1690), Woodbridge 2006, 238-241.
Gerald L. Bray
Juni 2024
Empfohlene Zitierweise:
Bray, Gerald Lewis, “Droghedanum / Drogheda: Provinzialkonzil der Kirchenprovinz Armagh; 1427" in: Lexikon der Konzilien [Online-Version], Juni 2024; URL: