Provinzialkonzil der Kirchenprovinz Armagh; 1433 (20. Oktober)
Summoned by archbishop Swayne to meet at Drogheda on 20 October. Letters from Pope Eugenius IV (1431-1447) were read out, but their subject matter is not recorded. Probably the pope was looking for support to dissolve the council of Basel, which was still in session at that time. Letters to that effect were read at Canterbury on 16 September 1432, and it seems likely that the same thing happened in Armagh a year later. The names of those present at the council have been preserved, but little else. The official notice concludes with a statement by the notary W. S., who identifies himself as an Englishman from the diocese of Bath and Wells, who promises to make copies of the papal letters and distribute them to all the suffragans of the province.
QQ: Reg. Prene of Armagh I, fol. 148r; Bray, Records of Convocation, Vol. 16 (Ireland 1101-1690), Woodbridge 2006, 244-248.
Gerald L. Bray
Juni 2024
Empfohlene Zitierweise:
Bray, Gerald Lewis, “Droghedanum / Drogheda: Provinzialkonzil der Kirchenprovinz Armagh; 1433" in: Lexikon der Konzilien [Online-Version], Juni 2024; URL: