
Droghedanum / Drogheda

Provinzialkonzil der Kirchenprovinz Armagh; 1557 (16. Februar)


Summoned to meet at Drogheda on 16 February. The council established a list of feast days to be observed, but also provided that labourers could work on those days if necessary.


QQ: Reg. Dowdall of Armagh, p. 106; Bray, Records of Convocation, Vol. 16 (Ireland 1101-1690), Woodbridge 2006, 365-366.

Lit.: H. A. Jefferies, Priests and Prelates of Armagh in the Age of Reformations 1518-1558, Dublin 1997; DizCon II (1964) 9-10 [F. Boncompagni; with the date 16 febr. 1556].


Gerald L. Bray

Juni 2024


Empfohlene Zitierweise:

Bray, Gerald Lewis, “MellDroghedanum / Drogheda: Provinzialkonzil der Kirchenprovinz Armagh; 1157" in: Lexikon der Konzilien [Online-Version], Juni 2024; URL: http://www.konziliengeschichte.org/site/de/publikationen/lexikon/database/4269.html