
Dublinense / Dublin*

Dublinense / Dublin*; Konzil (mit unklarem Status); 1084*


It is possible that a church council was held at the instigation of Turlough O'Brien (Toirdelbach Ua Briain), high king of Ireland (1072-86), though no account of its proceedings survives. It was probably concerned with irregular marriages, the administration of the sacraments, the excessive number of bishops and simony, matters that had figured in a letter sent to Turlough by Lanfranc, archbishop of Canterbury (1070-89) some years before.

     The precise status of this council as a church council is uncertain. It was summoned by the high king of Ireland, and not by a bishop or archbishop, and the Irish diocese/provinces were not organized before 1111.


QQ/Lit.: Bray, Records of Convocation, Vol. 16 (Ireland 1101-1690), Woodbridge 2006, 5, 549.


Gerald L. Bray

Juni 2024


Empfohlene Zitierweise:

Bray, Gerald Lewis, “Dublinense / Dublin* Konzil (mit unklarem Status); 1084” in: Lexikon der Konzilien [Online-Version], Juni 2024; URL: http://www.konziliengeschichte.org/site/de/publikationen/lexikon/database/4294.html