Project "Konziliengeschichte" (History of the Councils)
Prof. Dr. Johannes Grohe, Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Piazza di Sant'Apollinare 49, I - 00186 Roma
Prof. Dr. Thomas Prügl, Universität Wien, Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät, Institut für Historische Theologie, Schenkenstraße 8-10, A - 1010 Wien
Editorial office of the journal Annales Historiae Conciliorum:
promoted by: Gesellschaft für Konziliengeschichte e.V.
Editors: Johannes Grohe and Thomas Prügl
Secretariat: Dr. Silvija Vasilj, Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Via dei Farnesi, 83, I - 00186 Rome, Tel.: +39/06 68 164-500, e-mail:
Manuscripts should be sent to the editorial office after prior request. All articles and contributions will be peer reviewed before acceptance.
ISBN: 978-3-402-25643-5. Aschendorff Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, Soester Str. 13, D - 48155 Münster, Tel: +49/(0)251/690-91 3001, e-mail: All rights reserved.
Editor of the Lexikon der Konzilien:
Dr. Ansgar Frenken, Gögglinger Str. 59, D - 89079 Ulm
Webmaster of the website Dr. Federica G. Giordani, Roman Institute of the Görres Society, Collegio di Santa Maria del Campo Santo Teutonico, Via della Sagrestia, 17, I - 00120 Vatican City, e-mail: