em. Prof. Dr. Richard M. Price
Professor of the History of Christianity. Heythrop College, University of London
Honorary Research Fellow, Royal Holloway, University of London
Curriculum Vitae
- MA (Oxford)
- DPhil (Oxford)
- BD (London)
- MTh (London)
- 1981-2018 Lecturer, and from 2010 Professor at Heythrop College
Publikationen (Auswahl)
- The Acts of the Council of Chalcedon. Translated with introduction and notes by R. Price/M. Gaddis, 3 vols, Liverpool 2005-2010 (= Translated Texts for Historians 45). 1024 pp.
- The Acts of the Council of Constantinople of 553, with Related Texts on the Three Chapters Controversy. Translated with introduction and notes by Richard Price, 2 vols, Liverpool 2009 (= Translated Texts for Historians 51). 744 pp.
- The Acts of the Lateran Synod of 649. Translated with introduction and notes by R. Price, with contributions by Ph. Booth/C. Cubitt, Liverpool 2014 (= Translated Texts for Historians 61). 472 pp.
- The Acts of the Second Council of Nicaea (787). Translated with introduction and notes by R. Price, Liverpool, 2018 (= Translated Texts for Historians 68). 752 pp.
- The Council of Ephesus of 431. Documents and Proceedings. Translated by R. Price and introduction and notes by Th. Graumann, Liverpool 2020 (= Translated Texts for Historians 72). 704 pp.
- The Canons of the Quinisext Council (691/2). Translated with introduction and notes by R. Price, Liverpool 2020 (= Translated Texts for Historians 74). 224 pp.
- Western Theology and the Ecumenical Councils, in: U. Heil (ed.), Das Christentum im frühen Europa. Diskurse – Tendenzen – Entscheidungen, Berlin 2019, 339-353.
- Conciliar Theology: Resources and Limitations in: U. Heil/A. von Stockhausen (eds), Die Synoden im trinitarischen Streit. Über die Etablierung eines synodalen Verfahrens, Berlin 2017 (= TU 177), 1-18.
- Fathers and the Church Councils, in: K. R. Parry (ed.), Wiley Blackwell Companion to Patristics, Hoboken 2015, 400-413.
- The Citation of Latin Authorities at the Council of Florence, in: Nicolaus. Rivista di teologia ecumenico-patristica 40 (2013) pp. 125-136.
- The Council of Chalcedon (451): A Narrative, in: R. M. Price/M. Whitby (eds.), Chalcedon in Context. Church Councils 400-700, Liverpool 2009 (= Translated texts for historians. Contexts, 1), 70-91.
- Truth, Omission, and Fiction in the Acts of Chalcedon, in: R. M. Price/M. Whitby (eds.), Chalcedon in Context. Church Councils 400-700, Liverpool 2009 (=Translated texts for historians. Contexts, 1), 92-106.
- The Second Council of Constantinople (553) and the Malleable Past, in: R. M. Price/M. Whitby (eds.), Chalcedon in Context. Church Councils 400-700, Liverpool 2009 (= Translated texts for historians. Contexts, 1), 117-132.
- The Theotokos and the Council of Ephesus, in: Chr. Maunder (ed.), Origins of the cult of the Virgin Mary, London 2008, 89-104.
- The Three Chapters controversy and the Council of Chalcedon, in: C. M. Chazelle/C. R. E. Cubitt (eds.), The crisis of the Oikoumene: the Three Chapters and the failed quest for unity in the sixth-century Mediterranean, Turnhout 2007, 17-37.
- East and West at the Ecumenical Councils: The Zernov Lecture 2017, in: Sobornost 39.2 (2017) 7-25.
Beiträge im Annuarium Historiae Conciliorum
- Presidency and procedure at the early ecumenical councils, in: AHC 41 (2009) 241-274.
- Aspects of the composition of the acts of the Lateran Synod of 649, in: AHC 42 (2010) 51-58.
- The Nicene creed and the reception of converts at the First Council of Ephesus in: AHC 44 (2012) 11-26.
- Politics and bishops’ lists at the First Council of Ephesus, in: AHC 44 (2012) 395-420.
- Fact and Fiction, Emperor and Council, in the Coptic Acts of Ephesus, in: AHC 46 (2014) 9-26.
- Constantinople III and Constantinople IV: Minorities posing as the Voice of the whole Church, in: AHC 49 (2018/2019) 127-137.
- Church History
- Late Roman and Byzantine History
- Historical Theology