The Council of Nicae (325) – Salone Sistino der Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Cesare Nebbia and his workshop (1589-1590)
Since its founding in 1969, the Annales Historiae Conciliorum (up to 2020 published under the title Annuarium Historiae Conciliorum) has published a bibliography regarding the Council History, which tries to complement all new publications (monographies, essays, and contributions to the series, “Investigations” and “Presentations”) regarding the subject. The bibliography includes about 200 entries per edition of the journal with a tendency toward growth in recent years. In the first years the bibliography was compiled by multiple authors: Adolf Lumpe (1977-82), Remigius Bäumer (1969, 1974-77), Wilhelm Gessel (1969), José Goñi Gaztambide (1969-73, 76, 78, 82), Herbert Immenkötter (1973-76), Josef Leinweber (1969, 1971-72), Luciano Orabona (1969), Arthur N. Edward D. Schofield (1969, 1971-73), Robert Somerville (1969), Jakob Speigl (1969-70), and Lothar Waldmüller (1973). Between 1983 and 1996 Adolf Lumpe was responsible for the bibliography. Ansgar Frenken took up this responsibility in 1995 with the collaboration of Johannes Grohe (1998-99, 2000-02) and Davide Mattei (2002). This bibliography published in the AHC is now accessible online. The material was compiled in a database which contains about 3500 entries of works and an additional 6000 entries by 5200 authors, which can be reached by 1800 key words. These have been edited under the supervision of Johannes Grohe, Loredana Diana, Flora Rafaglio, Davide Mattei, Vernonika Seifert, Katharina Marschall, and most recently with the collaboration of Silvija Vasilj.
The database was created in Italian by the Dipartimento di Storia della Chiesa at the Pontificia Università della Santa Croce in Rome.
Dr. Michele Zonno is responsible for the technical aspects of the database.