The Gesellschaft für Konziliengeschichtsforschung (Society for Council History Research) elected a new chair at its general meeting on 2 and 3 June 2019 in Mainz. Prince Alois Konstantin zu Löwenstein, who had held this office for over 20 years, had resigned for reasons of age. The Society thanked the outgoing chairman for his close support of the history of councils in all these years, during which important scientific undertakings could be promoted: firstly the conferences (Nicosia 1999, Rome 2003 and 2004, Bamberg 2006, Trogir/Split 2008, Esztergom 2010, Fribourg 2012, Vienna 2014, Berlin 2016 and Rome 2018), the results of which were published in the Annuarium Historiae Conciliorum, then 18 volumes of the history of councils. Bishop Dr Peter Kohlgraf of Mainz was elected as the new chair, whom the Society thanked for his willingness to promote the cause of conciliar history research with its characteristic combination of historical method and theologically responsible interpretation (in the picture, Bishop Dr Kohlgraf with his predecessor, Prince Löwenstein, and representatives of the Society's Executive Committee and Scientific Advisory Board).