New entries

Dictionary of Councils

Provincial council of Santiago de Compostela 1375 (1st May)

Justo Fernández, Jaime

New publications on the History of the Church Councils

Annales Historiae Conciliorum (AHC), Heft 2 / (2020)


Price: 35,00€ 


Annales Historiae Conciliorum (AHC) was founded in 1968 by a group of scholars under the direction of Walter Brandmüller under the title Annuarium Historiae Conciliorum. To date, it is the main and most authoritative international institution specialized in research in the field of the History of Councils from antiquity to the present day. In its 50 years of existence, it has published over 600 articles from a community of historians, theologians and philologists.


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New publications on the History of the Church Councils

The Cambridge Companion to the Council of Nicaea, edited by Young Richard Kim, Cambridge: Cambridge Universty Press, 2021, Pp. xx + 424, ills, maps. Online ISBN: 9781108613200


Every Sunday, Christians all over the world recite the Nicene Creed as a confession of faith. While most do not know the details of the controversy that led to its composition, they are aware that the Council of Nicaea was a critical moment in the history of Christianity. For scholars, the Council has long been a subject of multi-disciplinary interest and continues to fascinate and inspire research. As we approach the 1700th anniversary of the Council, The Cambridge Companion to the Council of Nicaea provides an opportunity to revisit and reflect on old discussions, propose new approaches and interpretative frameworks, and ultimately revitalize a conversation that remains as important now as it was in the fourth century. The volume offers fifteen original studies by scholars who each examine an aspect of the Council. Informed by interdisciplinary approaches, the essays demonstrate its profound legacy with fresh, sometimes provocative, but always intellectually rich ideas.



New publications on the History of the Church Councils

Henryk Pietras, Concilio di Nicea (325) nel suo contesto, GBP: Roma 2021. pp. 256. ISBN:8878394580


This work, the Italian edition of the English original (Council of Nicaea [325]), published 2016 in the same publisher, presents the documents related to the first phase of the so called "Arian crisis" and the Council of Nicaea (325). In it, an attempt is made to explain what role the Emperor Constantine, part of Ario's supporters and their opponents played, following the narrative of Eusebius of Caesarea confirmed by Athanasius. The post-conciliar documents are also analysed, concluding that Constantine's letters to the Church of Alexandria and the synod's letter to the same Church are false letters, produced only after Athanasius' death. These letters would be the main source on which the legend of the council's anti-Arianism is based.

New entries

Dictionary of Councils

Council of Santiago de Compostela 1335 (24th May) 

Justo Fernández, Jaime

New entries

Dictionary of Councils

Scottisch Councils of XVI c.

of Edinburgh (1536, 1546, 1547, 1549, 1550*, 1552, 1556, 1559)

of St. Andrews (1543, 1546)

of Linlithgow (1547)


Holmes, Stephen




New publications on the History of the Church Councils

Alexandra von Teuffenbach (Hg.), Heribert Schauf, Tagebuch zum zweiten Vatikanischen Konzil (1960-1965) mit Dokumenten aus dem Apostolischen Archiv im Vatikan. Verlag Traugott Bautz, Nordhausen 2021. 489 Seiten. ISBN 978-3-95948-548-7


The subject of this publication is the presentation of Vatican Council II from the special perspective of the Council theologian Heribert Schauf. For this reason, many previously unpublished documents from the Apostolic Archives in the Vatican have been added. These are texts written by the theologian from Aachen before and during the Ecumenical Council, or explanations of his interventions during the Synod.