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Dictionary of Councils

Provincial council of Santiago de Compostela 1327 (21st -29th November)

Justo Fernández, Jaime

Burkhard Roberg (1935-2021) deceased

On 12 October 2021, Prof. Dr. Burkhard Roberg, who was closely associated with the research project History of Councils in all the years of his academic activity, passed away in Bonn at the age of 86. Since his dissertation in Bonn, Die Union zwischen der griechischen und der lateinischen Kirche auf dem 2. Konzil von Lyon 1274 im Jahre 1963, he has repeatedly written about this synod, as well as the 1st Council of Lyon. The monograph Das Zweite Konzil von Lyon (1274) in the series Konziliengeschichte in 1990, the edition on Lugdunense II in the Conciliorum Oecumenicorum Generaliumque Decreta, vol. II/1, 2013 and many pubblications in the Annuarium Historiae Conciliorum as well as other journals show this. Since the Council History Symposium in Thessaloniki in 1976 (second from the right in the picture), he has repeatedly presented the results of his research at the meetings of the Society for the History of Councils, as long as his health allowed him to do so. The circle of colleagues in the research project has lost a friend and respected scholar in Burkhard Roberg; future publications on the Lyon Synods will build on his studies.


Councils and the World of Monasteries

The symposium on the history of councils with the theme: "Konzilien und die Welt der Klöster" (Councils and the world of monasteries" took place in Dresden from from 30th September to 02nd October 2021; the conference has been organized by the International Society for the History of Councils in cooperation with the Research Center for Comparative History of Religious Orders at the University of Dresden and the Saxon Academy of Sciences under the direction of Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Gert Melville and PD Dr. Mirko Breitenstein. The great importance of monasticism for the councils of the first millennium has been taken into account, as well as the contribution of the religious communities in the second millennium, where at the synods individual monks, but also theological schools that arose within the religious communities, have had great influence on doctrinal and disciplinary decrees. In addition, councils of all epochs have addressed the theological foundation and disciplinary order of religious life. The conference was originally scheduled for September 2020, but had to be postponed for a year due to the coronavirus crisis.

Here you can find the notice at H/SOZ/KULT, the programme and the picture gallery.

New entries

Dictionary of Councils

Provincial council of Santiago de Compostela 1324 (12th-21st November)

Justo Fernández, Jaime

New publications on the History of the Church Councils

Helmut Flachenecker (Hg.), Der Deutsche Orden auf dem Konstanzer Konzil. Pläne – Strategien – Erwartungen. VDG - Verlag und Datenbank für Geisteswissenschaften: Ilmtal-Weinstraße, 2020 (= Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte des Deutschen Ordens 84). 192 S. € 38,00. ISBN: 978-3-89739-944-0.


Table of Contents: Andrzej Radziminski, Der Deutsche Orden in Europa am Vorabend des Konzils von Konstanz (1) – Paul Srodecki, Mediating Actors in the Conflict between the Teutonic Order and the Kingdom of Poland in the Early Fifteenth Century (15) – Premysl Bar, Eine (un) genutzte Gelegenheit? Die Polnisch-litauische Union und der Deutsche Orden auf dem Konstanzer Konzil (1414 - 1418) (35) – Mats Homann, Der Blick des Deutschen Ordens auf das Konstanzer Konzil. Die Briefe des Generalprokurators Peter von Wormditt und des Hochmeisters Michael Küchmeister (55) – Läszlö Pösän, Die politischen Bestrebungen und Ziele Polen-Litauens auf dem Konstanzer Konzil (89) – Bernhart Jähnig, Johannes von Wallenrode und das Konstanzer Konzil (107) – Slawomirjözwiak und Janusz Trupinda, Zur Topographie und Raumordnung der Ordensburg Königsberg als Sitz der Komture, Obersten Marschälle und Hochmeister im Licht der mittelalterlichen Schriftquellen (127) – Nicholas w. Youmans, Seelenheil und Ritterehre. Vorstellung eines Forschungsprojekts zur Identität des Deutschen Ordens im Spiegel seiner Symbolhandlungen (157) – Orts- und Personenverzeichnis (176)  
For a review see H-Soz-Kult.

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Dictionary of Councils

Provincial council  of  Burgos  1898

José María Cerveró García

New entries

Dictionary of Councils

Provincial council of Santiago de Compostela 1313

Jaime Justo Fernández